Sources of Happiness

All humans lovehappiness, seek for it, and sometimes they fight for having it, but few of them obtain it, because they ignore the way todo that.
For advice, we clarify the way of obtaining it in a simple explanation, to whom being true with himself and being free of bigotry.
God created human from two elements, the First element is body, and the Second is soul. The FirstElement is created from the earth, and God made everything it needs from the earth, as water, food, medicine, etc. the Second is created from heaven and made his food come to it from heaven.

The question here is – How do we get the food of two elements?
Answer: Each type of food hasan owner, both in earth and heaven, this owner requests the price, and the way to get what ison earth is often known to all.
For the Second Element, whichgets itsfood from the heaventhat means it comes from heaven, i.e. from Creator.Getting the price is obtained by good relationshipwithAllah, and all humans testify that when calamities happen to them, they come back to Allah praying and aiding.

Since Allah isinvisible from his creations, many people did not know Him and worshiped some of his creations, thinking that they were Gods. Some people totally deny the existence of Allah, which is a greater ignorance.
Most people confess the existence of Allah , in his attributes and deeds -that God is the Creator, the Provider, the Giver of Life, the Giver of Death, the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, the Ever-Powerful, who does not prevail and does not need those who help him, the Everlasting, who create Earth and the creatureson it, the Universe and it components, the heaven and what on it, and the administrator of the planets with tight systems and they do not collide with one another and their path do not change, and who make its day light and its night dark- (So this is Allah’s creation! Now, you show me the things that those (whom you worship as gods) other than Allah, have created)
As a proof of Allah’swisdomand fairness, and for clarification of truth to anyone who seeks Him the seeker, Allah revealed the books and sent the prophets to each nation in their tongue and being one of them, the books of the past nations ended with them.
For the books of the present nations, there are two types: Unknown origins books by the confession of some of its owners.Since the unknown is not trusted. The Holy books revealed by God are The Torah, the Bible and the Qur’an; The Torah is revealed to Moses, the Bible is revealed to Jesus, peace be upon them, on Israelite. Upon the death of Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them, Israelitedistorted their books, according to the recognition of their scholars.
Israelite distorted their books and exaggerated their prophets, Allah revealed the Qur’an to Muhammed PBUH to all Creatures.
The Holy Qur’an is the last book revealed by Allah to the last prophet, and Allahprotectedit fromdistortion, this book has within the happiness of the nation and the telling of the past and the future. Experiences have proved that Qur’an is the healing and spiritual nourishment for those who believe in it and act according to what it revealed , as well as Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad. Truth seekers should not look at the action of some Muslims, whose actions are bad. Generally, humans are both good and bad, and the admonitionis in what God and his Messenger said.
To this point there is an important question that is: How do I know the useful book in which the true religion is found , Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus and many others, all claim that their book is the right one?
Answer: The book that carries within the attributes and deeds ofAllah, does not involve anyone in His attributes and deeds and His worship alone, does not seek help except Allah’s, and does not make mediators without Allah, it shall be the right book. Whoever suspected the statements of the modernists shall read and research in the Torah, the Bible and the Qur’an, and the book of his nation, and takes inclusive evidence that the creator is not like the creature and the day is not like the night except for the blind, and the blindness of the insight is greater.
There is a suspicion of Israelite that says Jesus is a God as he was created without father, and that he revives the dead and excuses the blind and the leper.
Everyone knows that Allahcreated Adam without a mother and father, and created Eve without a mother. Allah is capable of everything, His Command is, “be”, and it is, Glorified and Exalted is He high above what they say. Allah gives miracles, which carry some attributes of Allah, to each messenger and these miraclesresponds to them by the command of Allah, as a conformation to the prophet and what Allah revealed to. The Bible says that Jesus worshiped Allah andsought His help; he was starving, feeling thirsty and dies like humans. By evidence, reason and reliability, Jesus is a prophet not a God.
Important warning for everyone: the greatest sin that wraths Allahand is not forgivable is to refer His attributes, deeds, and worship to other, or any of them to any of his creatures, as who did so, likened other to Allah, lied to people and Allah.
The most serious question: afterdeath, surlyyou willmeet Allah, what will beyour answer if Allah asked you, I created you and you worshiped other, and I blessed you then youthanked other and attributed these blessings to one of my creature that is weak and doesnot have them?
Pay attentionto yourself as long as you arein the time limit before the remorse time.

Finally, if you know the right religion andwas prevented from adopting it by some friends or family members, what should you do?
Answer:Believe in secret, do not tell your family, ask who knows theright provision of the religion, whichperhaps led you to a way out; to be an argument for you with God, and be a friend with whoever helps you on the right thing.

Thank God first and foremost. Peace be unto those who seek truth.