阿拉说:“我们除了送给全人类的喜讯和华纳以外,还没有派遣您(穆罕默德),(34:28)。 穆罕默德(愿主赐福安之和)与古兰经》一同发送,这对直到审判日仍存的全人类都是不朽的奇迹。 每个信使都会受到奇迹的支持,以证明他的真实性,而这样的奇迹在他去世后就结束了。 圣经和福音书等神圣书籍因其学者的表白而扭曲。 今天有四本福音书彼此不同。
您是否正在考虑成为穆斯林,但不确定会带来什么? 第一步是确保您了解伊斯兰的基本信仰(在此处找到)。 这些信念包括:
- 信仰一个没有伴侣或儿子的上帝
- 所有先知和使者
- 上帝启示的所有经文
- 天使
- 审判日
- 上帝的法令
这些信念使一个人成为穆斯林。 如果您相信这些事情,您就准备成为穆斯林。 要成为穆斯林,您只需声明信仰的见证(阿拉伯语为shahada)。
About The Author
Writer Raji Afu Rabo / Muhammad bin Munawir al-Hanini, director of the Charitable Center for the Care of the Holy Quran in Al-Kharj.I started calling to God more than twenty years ago, by printing the da’wah messages, the first of which was “Do you worship God for Insight”, which was printed in two languages, Arabic and Urdu, and the Arabic was published and published 21 times, and after a period of time we found the book in the International Book Fair held in Riyadh, printed before An Egyptian library is repeated in the international exhibition, and finally we found it on you, for sale by that library, and we have no objection to that as we intended to spread the knowledge to God. We ask God for acceptance.